We walked behind a woman being pushed in a wheel chair on our way up to the birthing
triage center at the Hospital. April had begun going into labor 18 days sooner than predicted. We took our place at a curtained off hospital bed and were instructed to relax and they'd check in on us. A few curtains over we heard a nurse tell the woman in the wheel chair she was going to see 'how far along she was.' We heard something to the effect of 'wow you're about to have a baby.' A few moments later we listened as doctors and nurses filled the cramped triage area and the woman gave birth. The curtains didn't do a great job of dampening the sounds associated with this event. Not exactly the best environment to relax in. Our little one wouldn't come in such an expedited manor. It was 9pm Sunday night. Fast forward to the middle of the next day and you'd find April still courageously progressing through the process. She had to have a last minute cesarian with our first child which opened us up to additional risks and issues associated with having baby number two the old fashioned way. On top of that, when April would have contractions it would cause the babies heart rate to dip. This concerned the doctors and nurses, who were keeping a careful eye on everything and trying all kinds of different things to over come this problem. More than once it seemed we were on the brink of being sent to the operating room to deliver in order to keep baby and mom safe, just to have the decision overturned at the last second by some small glimpse of hope that a second cesarian could be somehow safely avoided. Finally around 4pm the doctors felt it was time to try to deliver before defaulting to plan B. After about a half hour and some more scary drops in babies heart rate, the doctors decided to make use of a 'super vac.' Tension was high in the now crowded room, equipment and new faces popped up everywhere. Orders were being shouted back and forth and April bravely proceeded doing her part. Things seemed to move quickly, yet time past slow. Then suddenly there he was. Kohen arrived into the world at 4:59pm, and even though he was a little over two weeks early, he was almost just as large as our first son who was 1 week late. Both baby and Mom are healthy and doing fine. We're proud parents, again, and happy Koeplin now has someone else to introduce to the world of monster trucks, tractors and all the other things little boys seem to be so interested in. On a business related note we will be out of the office until further notice and will do our best to get to all of the messages and e-mails we've received in the past few days in a timely fashion. Orders that were received on and around the Holiday deadline will be still be placed in time for the Holidays. Please bear with us over the next few weeks as we get to know baby Kohen better. Below are some of the many photos from the Hospital.

Congratulations! We are so happy for you guys! Can't wait to meet him!
The den Daas Family
Congratulations. He's beautiful!!!
Love, Scott and Gillian
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