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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wedding Show Season

Tis the season that we both love and dread. Tis the season for wedding shows!

We love it, of course, because we get to showcase our newest work and meet lots and lots of people, some of which we end up getting to work with and many who are just caught up in the whirlwind and excitement of wedding planning.

We dread this time of year because of all the work that goes into pulling one of these shows off and no matter how much work we put into it in the months in advance it always seems like there’s a mountain of last minute details to be taken care of. From designing and printing new materials, to selecting and printing new work to be displayed, making Wedding Film demos to be played, choosing how to set up and decorate our booth with-in the space we have, and the list goes on and on. It’s becomes a lot like college, lots of all-nighters and cram sessions trying to get everything done.

And of course we always launch our new website about this time too, so there’s the small task of creating that, which is never a small task. We’re really excited about the new design and hope to see it launched in the next couple of days, we’ll keep you posted and appreciate any feedback, once it’s launched, that can help us make sure everything is working properly on computer screens everywhere.

We took part in a very successful show in the Wisconsin Dells last weekend and look forward to meeting more with all of the brides and grooms we hit it off with there. Some of which I’m sure we’ll get to see again this week in Madison at the Wedding Planner and Guide Show. Gail, from Crazy Daisy, did an amazing job putting on the show and promoting it. And despite the icy roads there was a great turnout, even though we almost didn’t make it ourselves (it took us almost 4 hours to drive there Sunday morning because the roads were so bad.)

We’ve already had plenty of drama this wedding show season, from brochures being printed wrong, to not receiving over-nighted products we were supposed to receive and then having to drive out of our way to attempt to have boxes pulled off airplanes (which wasn’t successful by the way), to sliding sideways down icy roads. In the end we know it will all be worth it as we’ll get to meet and work with some awesome couples who’ll open up their day for us to document and share.

So if you’re planning a wedding, check out the Madison Wedding Planner and Guide Show this weekend. Stop by and say hi, we have a great show related offer. And keep an eye out for our new website!

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